An international paper group approached us wishing to promote, sell and distribute their products to various markets in Europe, each with different languages barriers, import and tax regulations. Having the right product is a pre requisite to success, bringing it to market with customers enjoying local supply and JIT deliveries where and when needed is the key difference between an offer and an order. Differing import formalities, local fiscal reporting, various VAT regulations, ensuring legality of supply and delivering locally to the terms and conditions of individual markets require a professional, competent and local service and a free delivered competitive price. Equally multi-national customers enjoy one contact partner regardless of the delivery point.
To achieve this we set up local distribution hubs and logistics, imported under local country regulations and ensured legal traceability of supply, customs cleared and pre-financed import taxation ensuring that customers enjoyed a local “European” supply and the supplier enjoyed the sales for their products. A tailor made solution to service both customer and supplier alike.
An example in practice of the application of the marketing mix (4Ps).